What do you think of the Celestine Prophecy?


Apr 25, 2008
I'm reading it for the second time and getting a lot more out of it now that I am an adult, I read it for the first time when I was 15 and back then a lot of the Quantum Physics theories didn't resonate with me as I had yet to really appreciate, and understand a lot of the different interpretations of Q.M. Admittedly, some of James Redfield's insights are a little over simplified, for instance, I don't think that the scope of negative human interaction, his "control dramas", can be so easily pideon-holed into four neat catagories. But in general, I really do find this book somewhat enlightening, well actually, it's more that a lot of his theories are actually ideas I've always thought about and/or believed in. I don't know, maybe humans really are just grasping at straws to distract themselves from the dark, pointlessness of existence. But when I get to certain mental state, be it through over stimulisation by intellectual conversation, or through meditation, etc. I sometimes seem to glean a sliver of insight into the inner workings of the Universe, Multiverse or what have you, and a lot of what James Redfield talks in his book seems to fall into line with what I am coming to believe about the Universe. I've just bought "The Tenth Insight" and the "Experiential Guide" to see if he manages to expand on his concepts any further but I have yet to read them. I'd love to hear what other people think about his works, good and bad. I've read "Why I Hate the Celestine Prophecy" and although he (or she) does pick up on a couple of the negative points I myself noticed about the insights themselves, whoever wrote that strikes me as a bit of an intellectual wannabe. You know what I mean? And a lot of his critisisms revolved around the literary worth of the novel and I don't really care about that. You don't read the Celestine Prophecy for the writing, you read it for the concepts, the story is just a vehicle. But anyway, I'd love to hear some critisism/opinions (or praise if that's how you feel) coming from a considered, rational and/or educated point of view. Anyone?