What do you think of Walmart's antics in politics


Mar 10, 2008
Now they want to make sure Democrats aren't voted in due to union threats. Are they so dumb that they don't know that people now days don't favor unionization anyway???? People only favor unions when the working conditions and wages/benefits are a huge problem. I just finished a college class on this subject. Sounds like they are scared for some reason. I go to WalMart, or used to anyway. What do you all think of this??????



well, Pro I'd like to give you a thumbs up but can't because the jury is still out as far as Obama is concerned. Do you go to votesmart.org to look at voting records for both parties? McCain isn't all he says he is either.
Ah Gentle Giant...not true. There are laws in place so neither gov. or unions have that much power. It's hard for a union now days to even get as far as you suggest.
You're dreaming or you're in denial.
The Democrats are making a concerted effort to make it almost impossible to keep unions out of American businesses.
The card method of voting will intimidate a sufficient number of workers who would normally vote against joining a union. They will have no choice but to vote to join or risk heavy duty retribution from the unions.
This is in direct opposition to the American tradition of secret ballots.
It coercion in the extreme and the democrats are pushing for it.