what does a 15 year old female anatomy looks like?

hey this is for the one whos scared about what her vagina looks like im a almost 12 year old and im a boy but I assure you nothing is wrong with your vagina you still have 4 more years of developing and growing. unless it has dots or cuts or rashes or anything like tht its all clear besides its ur vagina ive seen tons of girls whos vaginas are all different so u have nothing to worry about. ur still too young to worry about tht yet so just kick back relax and take another look at it when ur 15 okay? also, why r u embarrased to let ur parents see? r they mean like tht or anything? cuz if they r not caring ang luving i understand but if they are caring dont be afraid to show em' :D ur 11 you have 4 years till then hope i helped :D
hey im a 12 year old and for one thing ur 11. the one u saw was a 15 year olds and she has probably been through puberty and use to being penetrated so it'll look different cuz of the penetration.also DO NOT under any circumstances sen pics of ur vagina to ppl they could put tht anywhere on the internet and you'd be scarred for life so ya ur 11 years old probably not done with puberty and u have 4 years of it developing and growing more. also there is no such thing of ur vagina looking wrong ive seen many tht all look different its ur own look of a vagina it may look similar too others but its still ur own vagina. also stay away from porn cuz if ur looking at other girls just to see if ur vagina looks like others a parent may pass bye and get the impression ur a lesbian welp i hope my info helped:D
im12 and i want to see what a young girls vagina looks like. Ive seen older girls but nothing around my age. I want to see it sooooooo badly. Young girls, send me a pic.pleeeez!

umm because you probably a virgin, and if you not thats strange because your 11 so.. a virgin vagina is more intact and after you have sex you will loose your virginity and you will look look just like all the people in the porn industry.:3_3_21[1]:
im 11 and my dick is small and it never get biger it is 4'' and when i hit ppuberty does it get big fast.:confused:
no by now it should be its biggest im afraid your stuck with a 4" mate
yeah they basically look the same, but if urs looks different just ask an online doctor or regular one
... Responce.

Hello i no alout about these sort of things. im a girl send me a picture of it to [email protected] ill tell you if it is average
If you watch the porn all the girls vaginas have been fucked so many times
Virgin is Nice!!
my vagina

my vagina izz wide hard and its time to have sex so if u wanna fuck me u can but u will have to fuck me hard.....

i have a 10 inch dick and im 15 ha ha suck on that fuckers if there are any girls looking at this literally do you want to suck it
i am 11 and idk if my vagina is suppost too look like it is cuzz i looked at porn to see if it was suppost to look like and it didnt look like theres. i need help. is younger girls suppost to look different? :( and i am shy to ask my mom

yeah, me too. only i am 15 and im too shy to ask as well...
I'll help

i am 11 and idk if my vagina is suppost too look like it is cuzz i looked at porn to see if it was suppost to look like and it didnt look like theres. i need help. is younger girls suppost to look different? :( and i am shy to ask my mom

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