What does it mean if a guy friend introduced another guy to you?


New member
Dec 14, 2011
This is how me and my former boyfriend met. During a show, he asked our common friend(another guy) to introduce him to me.
Friday night last week, a similar situation happened. A male friend,Josh*, introduced his buddy, Nate*, to me when the two of them (along with their other friends) happened to be in the same bar as me and my girlfriends. I've been single for a while, but I haven't heard anything from the guy since.

However, I have stalked the guy. He seemed to have a lot of female friends who are touchy feely with him. At first, my initial reaction was "I think this guy is a player". Browsing through his Facebook pictures, I have also noticed that he dresses a bit trendy at times, like he sometimes wear tops that are bright coloured, and he is fond of wearing scarves. A girl whom he kissed on the cheek wrote below their picture wrote that they like the same things and joked about his lips being redder. His other friends joked about him being a bit too sweet&close /gay to his other male and equally as handsome friends, to which he always immediately replies that they're just good friends (apparently, he barely replies to any other comments on facebook).
I immediately thought that this is a SIGN that Nate is probably gay. Josh is like a big brother to me - he's highly attractive, physically fit, well-groomed like Nate. I think the two of them are close. Both are in their early 30's, the difference is Josh is married to a female, while Nate is seemingly not dating anyone.

About myself: I'm female, I had been attracted to both sexes. I prefer to be with a man, but unlike most people, I am not so much into the romantic stuff, but I feel the need to have a constant companion.

I am aware that there are still gay men who dates/marries women, so I am not sure if Nate is in the closet.

*Josh and Nate aren't their real names.
What do you think are the possible motives why Nate was introduced to me?
If nate was gay, what are the possible signs that he is?
Hmm, I wonder why a friend of yours wanted to introduce you to another friend of his.. Probably because "Nate" is a nice guy and "Josh" wanted you to meet him. Stop stalking people of facebook, also, metrosexuality =/= being gay.