What does Masturbating do?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dereksastr8thug
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I am 16 years old and have masturbated a few times and i am wondering what does it do for the body?
unlike what you might have heard, masturbatin will NOT do any bad thing for you.
Contrary to what some people say. Masterbation will not harm you in any way. It helps relieve stress and at orgasm the prostate shrinks when it releases prostate fluid to mix with sperm to make semen. This is helpful later in life to prevent an enlarged prostate.
makes your hands sticky, pleasure, if ur by computer then a sticky keyboard and mouse.. umm sticky carpet, sticky cock,

remember to use a condom lol jk
Could this question ever be answered better than what Bob J said? That was absolutely hilarious.
Boy this is a tough one

Wait a minute


well get it hard first then you grab it and beat the crap out of it

Then it squirts this white stuff all over the place
And that makes you get nervous and holler out loud

You clean up the mess off the keyboard,

Then if goes soft and

I am back here telling you what happens.
-- -- --- --
Gets you prepared for sex; gives you pleasure; relieves stress and tension (some); 'recharges' the batteries; puts hair on your chest. Well, maybe not the last bit.
if u do this everyday, then u are loose important body resources...so eat more healthy food to recompensate.
Some people loose weight some are just fine...it depends.
prepares you in a way for some of the sweeter thing s in life as well as some health benifits. beat it till the sun starts shining.