What does my grandmothers' dream mean?


New member
May 25, 2009
She keeps talking about how she keeps having a repetitive dream where she's reaching the top of a cherry tree and picking the highest cherry. Could this be anything important?
If this wasn't a recurring dream, I would just dismiss it as an interesting dream. But, since it is a recurring one, I shall treat it as a dream with meaning. Your grandmother seems to be having dreams about ambition, going all that way up a tree to get the cherry at the top. Perhaps, Mam, or Sir, or maybe even Mam-sirr, she is telling you this dream as a lesson for YOU to be as ambitious as her in that dream. Maybe it is her reaching for something with a higher purpose, such as investing in something. You know, there is a story in the Bible that is about a master and two servants. The master gives the servants five talents(gold) each. One burried his to keep it safe, the other invests his and the value doubles. Later, they both give the master back their talents(gold) and this is what he says to the one who invested his and doubled it. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithfu over a few things, I will make the ruler over many things: enter now into the joy of thy lord" Now, by lord in this case he is talking about himself, the master, If he meant God, it would be Lord, not lord. Notice the capitalization. This is what he says to the other servant "...Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where i have not strawed: thou Oughts therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usery (interest)"

This all means that investment is a good thing, and it is profitable, maybe you should be more profitable and ambitious about your inestments.
After reading the following, my guess is that she's feeling like she's been a very fortunate soul to have received this fruit. Because this is a dream that recurs, and it seems to be happening lately, maybe she is remembering something about life recently that has some significance to her. You could ask her whether or not there is anything new lately that relates.


To see cherries in your dream, symbolizes honesty and truthfulness or sweetness and good fortune.

To see a cherry tree in your dream, represents luck, spring, femininity, and youth.
Cherry is a symbol of something I'm not sure....something going happen to her in life, I don't know if it going to be good or bad