What does or does not constitute racism?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
As from the original - http://www.martialartsplanet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16229&page=4&pp=15

discussion to continue if felt necessary
As stated there!

This will be watched very closely, as this community has members from various ethnic groups!
Racism has a lot of ugly faces. I'm not sure this is the appropriate forum for a wide open discussion of it. But we'll watch and see.
I've been accused of being a racist many times. But that's just b/c of where I grew up and where I live now. I'm not racist, I'm just stereotypical.

Racism is openly using racist words no matter what color you are. What some people don't realize is that you can be racist against your own race. One thing I have seen many times is someone assaulting another person b/c of what the said. Person A calls Person B a racist word. Person B attacks Person A out of anger at the word. Person B gets put into jail. Person A sues Person B for something like emotional distress or for bodily damage. Person B wonders why he is in jail and being sued if Person "started it".

Racism isn't illegal. We have freedom of speech in this country and some people don't realize that. If someone calls you a name, you cannot hit them w/o being arrested for assault. This is something I see a lot.
Racism. Any negative act, gesture, word used or done to another based on their racial/ethnic/cultural background or appearance.

I'm not entirely sure what you want to get from this thread...
Some might say that this is the same thing. Racism is based on stereotypes. In this case you apply attributes to someone due to their ethnicity.
If you use racist words covertly, or even alone - you are still a racist.

It is in THIS country.
Yeah, bu I apply stereotypes until I get to know the person. If I see that he doesn't match the sterotypes, then I know he's good guy, and he'll be my friend.
Stutta why not assume they are good people until you know otherwise.
I'm not suggesting you give them the keys to your house just take the chance that they are people a lot like you.
Like, calling someone a racist name? Or like denying them a job or something? Because the latter is also illegal here.

OK, here's a related question:

I think we all can agree that it is wrong to use racial stereotypes to pre-judge someone's character. But, is it always wrong to use racial generalizations (stereotypes) for PHYSICAL reasons? For instance, statistics in the US show that post-menapausal white women are far more prone to osteoporosis than other ethnic groups, while middle-aged black males are far more prone than average to high blood pressure. If I were trying to help a non-profit medical group with limited funding, would it be *wrong* or *immoral* to put more effort/finances into reaching white females about preventing osteoporosis, and more effort/finances into reaching black males about controlling high blood pressure?

The same lines of questioning would apply to sickle-cell anemia, Tasach's disease, diabetes, and a host of problems that tend to follow genetic lines.

Your thoughts?
Ann, whether or not it is politically acceptable (and it's probably not), you raise a valid point, and I think that there is nothing *wrong* or *immoral* about doing that - it is to the peoples' benefit. Also, if these physical racial sterotypes are given some weight by medical researches, it may well help with genetic research to improve treatment or even find a cure for certain genetic problems.
man so thaaaaaaaaaaat's why i spent the night in jail no i'm kidding, but seriously there man, what would you do if someone called you a name and you didn't want to hit them for saying something?
I'm sure the UK is obviously morally superior to the US :p but I very much doubt that "racism" is illegal in the UK.

Did you mean "racism", or "racial discrimination"?

Not that Britain is above making thoughts - this belief or that - illegal at some time or another in its long past... but I think not this.

Racial Discrimination - when someone commits an act of discrimination, that's something you can regulate - behavior. I don't think the UK is quite so authoritarian yet, is it, that negative thoughts are illegal?

I believe (althought I am not sure) that the US has stronger anti-discrimination laws than the UK? Any lawyers who can shed some light on that?
I sometimes see advertisements for African-American Adoption advocacy gruops, who put up billboards that say "Black Homes for Black Children" - becasue they beleive that black children will do best if brought up by black parents.

Now, if that is true or not I don't know.

But I think if somebody put up a sign that said "White homes for white children" there would be HELLTO PAY!!!

So is "Black Homes for Black Children" a racist position in your opinion?
