What does soul mean for those who suffer nerves and mental disorder?


May 11, 2008
Our life is all about our soul, right? Soul is all about how we think, how we see the world, our feelings, conscience, our life. So, how does the soul work for those who have nerves? I mean, why because something happens to the BODY, people can't do anything? Where is the soul to save the life? Or when people have nerves or mental disorder, the soul has gone somewhere? Ukh, you get my question?

I ain't a non believer. I believe in soul. But sometimes, I wonder. Thanks. No hard feeling, please.
These words "how we think, how we see the world, our feelings, conscience, our life" describe the mind not our soul.The soul is occupied by the Holy Spirit in those who have received salvation.It is the part of humans that does not die.After the death of the body the soul is sent to heaven or hell.