What else can i put in my fish tank/or are these fish I'm thinking of adding OK.?


May 15, 2008
Now before you start saying to yourself wow that guy stocked his tank like an idiot i would like to inform y'all that it is very hard to convince ones stubborn father to let their kid pick the fish. In my current setup i have 3 4''Blood Red Parrots, 2 4''Texas Cichlids, 1 4'' clown loach , 1 3''electric blue Jack Dempsey, 1 4.5'' black shark (Really a minnow but aggressive nonetheless), 1 2''fire mouth cichlid and 1 8'' tire track eel.The tank is 135 gallons 6ft long and 18'' wide ( maybe 24'' tall ?). Currently i have 2 emperor 400s and a Fluval 306 for filtration along with a under gravel filter. Now here is what I want to do: either add 2 Green Terrors and a normal Jack Dempsey, or 1 Green Terror, a normal Jack Dempsey and a catfish (I have no idea what kind just not Pictus or Striped Raphael). Please help me guys. Y'all are welcome to add your own suggestions I'm no fish expert.
Look into live rock and coral. That's always livens up a tank. Also I would add a few lobsters. You can get small ones that are about 3in long. They will kill fish though. My two lobsters killed 4 of my sharks.