What gives you the creeps?

Something that creeps me out is ''dark'' water where I can't see the bottom. By day light I would feel very uncomfortable going into water where I can't see anything. Something that would completely freak me out is going into the water in the dark! when it's either pitch black or just some lights. Don't know why exactly but that's really like one of my biggest fears lol
Finger nails on newspaper and velvet. The thought of my freshly cut finger nails touching velvet material.. *shudders*
The old woman from drag me to hell creeps me out so much! And the orphan girl- dear god, why!!?
And spiders...horrible thread for people scared of spiders! :(
If you scrap metal, like a spade, across concrete, I can't STAND the vibrations that go through your hand!!
Clowns in general.

Spiders hate me too, when I'm in the living room at night on my own I always see a spider crawling about and there's no one to save me :(
The worst was when I was stuck on the living room sofa for 3 hours because there was a huge spider roaming about and I was too scared to get off the sofa AND I didn't have any socks on :S
This, specially that picture/knowing there's absolutely nothing under but death :zomg:

And sharks!
Seriously, anyone who quotes me with pictures of sharks, EVER, will get negged 6 months in a row. Not even joking.
I ******* hate you! I had a pillow in front of my screen and scrolled down fast, ready to neg you. :mad2: Don't ******* do it, my heart is pounding faster as it is!!
And if you immature freaks are going to post pics of sharks, don't ******* quote me! :rant:
You sound like my sister, but replace sharks with snakes.

So what would happen if you saw one?
Stop quoting me, seriously, I am so scared, freaking out and almost crying/dying in fear of someone actually posting a picture now :bawling:

Sharks terrify the hell out of me, I just get images of me being in the ocean with a shark coming towards me. Nothing and no one could ever save me and I'd just wait for it to eat me alive. Or die of heart attack, hopefully.

I will never ever forgive the person who posts such picture! I sound so ******* girly, but it's true.