What have you learned on ST that contributes to your life?

i learned almost every second of the day someone, somewhere is giving another person the :dodgy:
sorry... apparently to be e-cool on pbn these days I have to get myself banned, whine and cry to the mods, and when that doesnt work, resort to more whining that gets the only good thread in ST closed because of "oh teh noes! its nawt fare!"

oh well. maybe I'll see you guys around OSST if you manage to keep one of your accounts for a year.
Again, apologies. I forgot GDT threads and "Official" threads stopping being cool when the mods took them away from ST.
I concur.

I spent time in osst. You cant really post in any thread unless you are already in their clique

otherwise you're just a loner

Here, on the otherhand, you can freely do whatever the fuck you want *whilst following the rules*

Im dead serious, the entirety of OSST is just like the ihav.net clubs in their section.

the only difference is the pompous ass attitude.
This one time he told me that my hotpockets would be ready in 5 minutes, but they were ready in 2. So I had to get new hot pockets.
Honestly, thats really not even funny. Its witty, and it should be funny. But the fact that kids like you make light of a devestating situation like that is disgusting. Grow the fuck up, all of you.
1- Dodgy
2- Awesome words like "shenanigans"
3- How to do a fleshlight
4- Learning the fact that Canadians on teh intarwebz don't want to be respected (I'm not talking about anyone in particular :dodgy: )