What is a fun way to destroy my iPhone 5?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I am a drop tester and I literally drop different phones for a living. If you don't believe me search "TechRax' on youtube. That's me.

What I want to ask is what should I do in my next video that would totally awe my audience? I have already, drilled, grilled, microwaved, knife tested, car ran, and water tested my iPhone 5. What else can I do? It has to be realistic though. Thanks.
Instead of thinking of new ways to destroy an iPhone, how about trying to destroy a Nokia.
Haha, good luck.
Have you tried tasering it?
Just trying to be a little original without losing the fun factor out of sight

Just attempt to use it. In my years of experience working with iPhones, that seems to be all that's necessary to get them to break ;-)
See if it'll deflect a bullet. It'll make a good advertising campaign: "iPhone 5 may save your life*"

*Not a real claim.
This sounds interesting and I kinda want to check it out now!

I would wanna see you boil it, in a food processor, explode it with fire, blend it, use a sledgehammer. flush it down the toilet. LOL. hope this helped and I def want to see this!!