What is considered gossip?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Do you have to talk about people in bad light for it to be considered gossip?
What do you call exchanging information about other people, but not in like a rude or bad form? (Like, "Vivian was upset because her professor wouldn't seek alternatives in helping her get a better mark. I feel kind of bad, she was very upset." )
Is the statement above gossip?
gossip is talking about someone in any form ( good or bad) when the are not present for the discussion, or if you are sharing information about someone else with out their permission. The above statement could be considered gossip. Gossip Girl is a fictional TV show, and should not be taken seriously.
gossip is talking about someone in any form ( good or bad) when the are not present for the discussion, or if you are sharing information about someone else with out their permission. The above statement could be considered gossip. Gossip Girl is a fictional TV show, and should not be taken seriously.