What Is Happening To My Fish?


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I 've had little experience with fish. This is the first tank I have set up, I had 5 Black Neon Tetras and 6 Neon Tetras. I have tested the water and everything seems to be ok but still they keep dying!

I am now down to just 5 fish! They all seemed healthy when I bought them. When the first one died I took it out and noticed half its tail fin was missing! But we didn't think that would kill it and it probably just died of natural causes and got its tail nipped by our triop.

The second one I didn't see after it died, it was when I came back from college because I saw a fish skeleton at the bottom of the tank! So we have no idea what killed that one.

The third fish didn't seem to have anything wrong with it, it just died.

The fourth fish, like the first had half its tail fin missing. My dad still said it wouldn't kill the fish! But just in case I took my triop out so the fish would have more chance of surviving, but it died about an hour later!

The fifth fish I found dead a few minutes ago and has the worse wounds ever! I am seriously worried! I've taken it out and it has most of its tail fin missing, its pectoral fin is completely gone as is the anal fin and one of its eyes is competely gone!

I'm sure it was fine before! So I have no idea what happened to it! I haven't really seen any aggression between the fish, and I doubt one of my snails would do that! Is it some kind of disease? My dad doesn't think its fin/tail rot because it happens so suddenly! But I need to sort this problem out before more die! So any help would be greatly appreciated!