What is hidden in Area-51?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Anyone ever wonder what is at this place
and why is it kept in so much secret? Oh well, if you have or if you havent...put all your theories here
We actually have the ultimate thread going on the BMW forum that I'm a part of...E46fanatics.


Check it out. It's alot of reading, but we have some really great contributers there.
I checked out the fourm..... I noticed that everyone has been hearing the same o same o things about area 51....but I really think its more to it than that. I think that all the things being said are just cover ups to keep people from learning the real truth about the place. hmmm maybe...no I better keep my mouth shut...the government might come get me
It's where George W Bush has Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler, Elvis and Martha Stewart stashed safely. They meet there once a month to plan their world domination strategies.

I thought everyone knew that.
hmmmm....you may have apoint there when you speak of world domination....maybe its where they plan the stratigies of the new world order taking complete control and only the insiders are aware of........oh no....I've said too much, I must hush before the government comes after me
You guys gotta read the whole thread I linked. We delve into some highly political topics, conspiracies, and so forth on that thread.
Area 51 doesn't have aliens if that's what you're talking about. Area 51 is where the government tests new vehicles and technology. Now, Site 4 could have some alien spacecraft or just really new technology that the government has come up with, but can't control it yet.
Area 51 is used for mostly aerospace research. It USED to be a staging area for UFO research in the 50's and 60's. Not that much weird stuff going on these days. It does fall under the department of defenses "Black Budget", meaning that it doesn't have to tell anyone, the congress, president or anyone, what the money is spent on. But there are a lot more places that more weird stuff is going on than area 51, thats mostly old news.
I think area 51 is a decoy site and the real stuff is stashed some where else. 'they have the secret to how velcro works'

Anyway, last year there was a site called www.8march2003.com and it was a story of a man being hunted down by the government after he found a roll of film in a broken and managed to process some pictures. It was such an earth shattering secret, that he would reveal it all at the 8th of March.
It was a real good story and was incredibly realistic.

Aliens exist, we're just not gonna meet any in our lifetime.
I don't get why people put so much credence into something funded by the US intelligence service.
Let's not forget,these are the same rubes who funded research into a 'truth drug' and who thought that smoking weed turned you into a homosexual (No, I am not making this stuff up.) I find it highly plausible that the CIA may have had some lame-brained 'alien research' department
Well what ever it is or what ever it isnt...one thing is for sure, something fishy is going on about the whole thing...other wise, it wouldnt' be so heavily gaurded and kept in so much darkness....and people wouldn't be warned that they'd be shot on the spot if they got too close...yup somthing fishy. Maybe it isn't urgent that we know what it is now...but maybe what is going on their will one day effect a lot of people
Nothing is hidden there. The area is off-limits to civilians because it's a US military base. There is certainly no crashed Roswell spacecraft or Ark of the Covenant there.
Area 51, thats where all the Irish leprachauns went to, where they make Guinness, and have their huge stash of gold, and........oh damn!, I've said too much! Noooooooooooooo!
Oh yea, ther's probably some top secret aircraft there like the Aurora or maybe salvaged UFO's.