What is the best bird dog for pheasant hunting?

Definately any sort of lab. A chocolate lab, a yellow lab and a black lab. My dad hunts and We have all three kinds. Personally I think our yellow lab honey is the best. But the choice is up to you.
G'day mate, best dog is an English pointer or a Labrador,pointers are very good hunters but they don't always retrieve if you want them to but they will stand over it till you get to it,where a Labrador will bring it to you.You can teach a pointer to retrieve but they don't always do it but that is only for ducks that have fallen in the water where a lab will.but out of the 2 for hunting the pointer is a better dog for the job on pheasants,quail,rabbits,turkey,mountain ducks,but like i said they are not good at retrieving ducks that have fallen in water/river or lake.Mine jumped in the water and sniff it but then would come back to the banks of the river but anything on land he would bring back to me.cheers mate