what is the best religion?


The best religion is the one you have faith in and makes sense to you. I can't prove to you my religion is the best because its right for me, not necessarily you.
You can get the best religion by following up your heart with your brain
which is the best ? is it your life question if you answer it perfect you will get the paradise .
think with me which one give you humanity and meet you thought meet logic

i think it is Islam as i knew it well be the same of Christian without distortion .

It is Islam the best religion
Most religions do not portray god as a bloody/human hating and meat burning monster. I think that the best religion differs from person to person. I feel that many people here are going to try to convert you to their own religion, but please take care to research this carefully, because you should really try to get some unbiased opinions.

I think the best religion is one that makes you feel most at peace with yourself and your surroundings, and makes you feel good about what you practice. It has to be in line with your beliefs as a whole (for the most part).

Most major world religions hold similar core values (e.g. most major religions have some sort of form of the golden rule "Treat others as you would treat yourself" and other rules that stem from this). So I think you should look into each religion and go experience different ways that religions worship to get a first hand experience of which one is best for you.

Good luck in all your spiritual endeavors!
Buddhism they have no god and they are peace full apart from that no one maybe Hinduism but no cos they have god how kills you so you move closer to being a god.
Islam always prtrays GD abve all as Most Benificient Most Merciful,His Mercy is far mre than his Wrath. But he is a Just Gd as well with a Law that we must fllow fr it leads to true happiness in this life and the next, he is a loving Gd and a caring Gd. God IS ONE no confusing Nonsence trinity just the original belief of our father Abraham(pbuh).

Whorship God Follow his Commandments sent by the Prophets, and allow yourself to be in his hands. SImple Beautiful Islam.
Dear Friend,

Religion only equals..."division." Christianity however, is not a man made religion. It is a real personal relationship with the "living" Person of Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross at Calvary for your sin, my sin and humanities sin. It was the only way to reconcile us back to our Creator...God. He loves you more than life itself, and wants to fellowship with you and give you life more abundantly, in this world and in Heaven. Our choice. Either to accept Him as our Lord and Savior and be adopted into His royal family, or to be separated from Him for eternity.

By the way. God does not have to make sense to us humans with a finite mind. God is a Just and Holy God...and He is infinite. His ways are not like ours.
Christianity........you are blaspheming God.....all words will be remembered when judgment comes...
I like Buddhism. It has many practical applications and does not require that you check your brain at the door. It's doesn't require a belief in God, nor does it preclude belief.
there is no best religion but my religion is...

Christianity...therefor its best for me.