What is the future with hiatal hernia?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I was just diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux disease. I'm caught up with the GERD part, but I'm curious about hiatal hernia. Most google searches indicate that the hiatal hernia is usually not a big problem, but can require surgery if it goes too far.

What I'm wondering is if the stomach will return to it's normal position on it's own or will I just live with the hiatal hernia forever if it never requires surgery? Basically will the problem correct itself if I correct the way I live?
My chiropractor just reaches up under my ribs and asks me to cough while he pulls it down. Works every time. You can try it on yourself too, sometimes I manage to get it myself if it isn't too stuck. He says it happens when you eat a large meal, the stomach can get stuck in the diaphragm. No need for surgery, that's ridiculous.
It will not fix itself. There is a danger of the hernia getting strangled. What happens is there is as a result of straining there is a tear in the muscle and part of your insides come through.If it gets squeezed and becomes strangled it can be emergency surgery. Ask your doctor if he thinks a repair should be done.