What is the ideal way to go about an online relationship? Day 1, you meet him on


New member
Jun 2, 2008
some site, whats next? Which day do you give him your number? Which day do you meet him ?
hmm...as for whats next,,,i would guess you should learn more about this person, meaning personaility and intrests. Make sure its the kind of person who you can trust with your personal information, and this should not be something to be decided quickly, it should take 2-4 weeks to accuratly judge a person online.

Maybe you could try to setup a online microphone converation(not sure how to do it but i know it can be done), seeing as how a way a person talks can help in judging who they are.

And if u are dead certain you would want to meet him in real life, just a little "for your information" don't try to piece together what the guy looks like by using your imagination, it always leads to disapointment.

As for the timeline you are trying to setup the deadline is up to u to the both of u to decide, he might ask to meet in the real world, and he might not be ready to meet u when u ask, all are a possiblity.