What Is The Keys To Controlling My Jealousy, My arguing,& Staying


May 23, 2008
Married Til' The End? My husband and I are 21 yrs old. We have a 2yr old child together and I have a 3 1/2 yr old that is not his. I got with him when she was a baby so he has raised her since. So anyway, we've been together over 3 yrs and this whole time we have had a rocky marriage. We have great conversations and we like alot of the same things and hobby's but when we argue, we ARGUE! We both have bad tempers. Luckily we both get over it and make up quick but I hate the way we fight! (verbally) Its like we both want to be the one with the reason & the last word but neither of us win because we are alike when it comes to arguing so we have a BIG fight. Then we are great for the next few weeks & then its back to arguing constantly all week. I mean, the rest of the time, that we aren't arguing, we are happy together. So is it normal that we are happy & good for a few weeks & then argue all week over everything, and then back to happy again? Or are we just both crazy & have anger issues? I also have jealousy issues & I don't know why? Is it because I hate my body and I fear that he doesn't like it either & will go after any hot girl that will give him a chance? What could be making me feel jealous about him being around pretty girls? I mean, he don't talk to any girls, I just get jealous when we are out & a pretty girl passes by. I don't see him checking them out but I think that he might have checked her out quick when I wasn't looking. I automatically think that every guy (married or not) is addicted to checking out a pretty girl, even if they have to be sneaky about it. Like if we are at the check out lane, I have to worry about him trying to look at the magazines with bikini models on the cover. He say he didn't even look or glance at it but like I said, I feel that he might have glanced at it when I wasn't looking. My jealousy is getting out of hand and I know I"m being ridiculous. I'm scared of going crazy from jealousy. Now days, every show, movie, billboard, magazine,Business, and even tv commercial, is about something sexual or has sexual images. (ladies in lingerie, etc...) So I need to adjust to the concept that the new era is all about sexuality. I mean, they have women's lingerie football now for christ sake! I'm scared of being overwhelmed of jealousy and becoming crazy! How do you do it to not be jealous or phased by all this? I mean, I really want to stay with him til' we die. Not just because it's best for the kids but because I love him. I know he wants to be with me forever too because he always tells me that he would be a bad person with nothing to live for if he didn't have me & the kids. He always worries about our safety. Please give me tips. (No rude ones please) Give me advise on how to control my jealousy, my arguing, & how to make our marriage last forever? Thank You, This means alot to me:)`