What is the legal aspect of using internet images?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I'm a graphic artist and recently, I've begun to deal more and more with digital art, but i'm not really sure on the legality of using images from the internet. I know not to use anything that is copyrighted or obviously containing any form of copy protection (i.e. Watermarks, ect)...but when an image doesnt have any obvious copyrighting or such, can I use it to cut apart and modify into a digital collage? Are there any sort of pictures that are considered public domain?

any links to laws regulating the use of internet images would also be helpful...thanks!
If you plan to continue working in the industry, either as an employee or as a freelance artist, you REALLY need a thorough understanding of copyright laws. And, you definetly don't want to depend on Yahoo Answers to give you good information, as I have noticed a lot of BAD and outright WRONG information passed out as answers.

Here is the official US Government copyright office site, with all the copyright laws and explanations.


But, you must also understand, that many of these laws are, of necessity, a bit vague because art does not neatly fit into neat little boxes that fall into a legal structure. That is why so many copyright issues end up in court. The artist, Richard Fairey, who produced the famous Obama "Hope" posters genuinely believed he was within legal bounds when he "posterized" an Associated Press photograph or the candidate. Associated Press does not agree and now, it is in the courts to ultimately decide.

Check out the site and learn the laws as much as you can.