What is the name of the 90s or earlier movie involving a kingdom, a group of...


New member
Apr 6, 2008
...foreign people, and slavery? There is this movie I saw as a kid in the '90s, when it aired on one of the standard channels (I think it was W-Pix.) It was an action/fantasy movie, where there was a kingdom that a group of people were trying to overthrow. One particular scene I remember was when the ruler came upon a room of enslaved women, and chose the most stubborn one, who was forcibly removed from the room. She later was tied up on a table, where a woman had a snake come from out of her stomach and on that slave. I think the snake ate the slave's nipples and went in her body, weird stuff. In the next scene, she is seen with the ruler, presumably brainwashed.
I'm pretty sure there is more plot associated with this movie, like the protagonists posing as townspeople of the kingdom, but this is all I can vaguely remember. The fact that I do not know what this movie has been bothering me for years. Do you know the title?