What is with all those energy drinks?

ah dude i was't saying yours sucked or mine was better just that was what i like to use.

pretty heffty calorie intake there mind bro!!
Well i did train pretty hard man always hungry anyway i didn't take offense to anything all good
Wow that's really impressive Gary!

And training 6-8 hours a day?! I wish I had that much time! I'm lucky to get in 2 hours every second day
I had my own business carpet cleaning very energetic work and i shopped at markets, 2 hours training in the morning 5 to 7 on the beach 2 k struggle up and down sand dunes with leg weights, wrist weights back pack full of sand and bar bell, then empty sand out of back pack chuck the leg and wrist weights in the back pack and walk back doing shin kicks waist high in the ocean all the way back.
Then clean carpets doing horse stance and bow and arrow.
Then 12 to 2, 2 hours flat out weight and strength training whole body no breaks in hard core gym.
Then cleaning carpets again.
6 t0 9 or more Kung fu training with ankle and wrist weights on.
Everything i did if i could work some kind of exercise into it i would and i was constantly hungry never full.
Are your in australia. i wouldn't be able to afford 6 steakes a day over here in the uk their like £7 for 2 good ones at that rate it would cost me 147 a week i think(BIT RUSTY) plus the rest of the chickens and what not