What is wrong with my leg?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
My leg hurts really bad. I have had 2 kids, I am 22 and have vericose veins in my right leg. Lately there has been a weird pain in my back upper thigh. Its tender and feels like a lump is there when Im not touching it but when I do touch it I dont feel anything. It seems like it comes and goes whenever. Also while Im having my period it is so much worse.
My quads are super soft unless my leg is completely straight. This seems abnormal.

I'm not looking for something to be wrong. I know there is something wrong, and I'm looking at this feeling and appearance of abnormality in the quads as a possible indication of what's really wrong elsewhere.

Memory Supplements
When I sprint, I usually have a big stride. However, i cannot use my stride now because when I lift my right leg and extend, I get a sharp pain in the lower left corner of the attachment between the butt and the hammys. Does anyone know what this pain may be, and how to overcome it?

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