What is your favorite kitchen gadget?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Mine are the microwave, pressure cooker and the salad chopper from genius!
My top three are the mixer with shredder attachment, the food processor, and the tortilla press. I use them so often and have never regretted them.

(I have to do it all by hand at work, it's nice to have convenience at home.)
Mix Master All the way! I love it i make heaps of cookies and cakes with it. Its the most legendary cooking appliance around. The way you can just save time with it really tops it off.
The knife and the cutting board.

I HAVE the gadgets, but find I don't use them much.

If my house was on fire, the things I'd grab would be my knives (and my dogs) ... everything else could be easily replaced.
Well, I love my Food Saver vacuum sealer, my 1980s Black and Decker food processor, my Wolfgang Puck mandolin, and my Taylor probe meat thermometer. I buy in bulk and save big bucks with the vac sealer, make mountains of cookie dough each holiday with the food processor, turn out perfect medium-rare roast beef with the thermometer, and cut exquisite cole slaw and cucumber/onion salad with the mandolin. Cooking life wouldn't be complete without my meat grinder, pasta roller/cutter, juicers and blenders. Really, it's hard to prioritize - like where do you rank the crock pot and the rice cooker. Don't forget the bread machine and the deep fryer.

I think it all depends on which cuisine(s) you prefer. I also have a pannini press and a gas grill.

I admit to being a gadget freak, but I passed up the spiral potato cutter. I get points for that, right?