What is your personal speculation, after some thought, on why history is...


New member
Oct 3, 2010
...riddled with cruelty and power abuses? This seems to be pretty much in every corner of the globe, and since the dawn of humankind...

Why couldn't people be content to build their villages, empires, whatever, without bullying peaceful people into being their slaves or subjects?

Just give me a few of your ideas...

Did some people not have a conscience? Were they raised to be savages and bullies void of peaceful human compassion? Did they just not LIKE people? I mean, why would anyone wanna make so many enemies?

If I were some ruler, man- I'd wanna totally make friends with everyone, have a fun good time kingdom, and only fight those who bullied my kingdom...Think about it- with all the resources of a ruler there could be beer and music and cool buildings, wild inventions, great food, and clever ideas in books, and lots of real good times- great friendships and all- why oppress your own people when you could have a great time instead, and have happy people?

Is it psychological? Is it lack of skillful communication? Were they just trying to follow traditions? Why be a jackhole to one's own people? Was it necessary?

Were all the power-bullies just Mentally ill?
Unfortunately, there are selfish people in the world who just want to improve their own lives and don't care about the feelings of others. But it is worth noting that a lot of kind-hearted people just don't make it into the record books. Someone hurting someone else is a news story and likely to be spread around, whereas someone helping someone else is often ignored. Not very nice, but sadly that's the way the world is...
"Conscience" is a luxury which only the dead can afford.
In the words of Shaka Zulu: "Never leave an enemy behind or it will rise again to fly at your throat."
It's human nature man. Have you never had an argument or disagreement with someone? Get over it.