what kind of martial arts is the best for 15yrs old that always get bully


Active member
May 14, 2008
and lose to fight? i want to defend my self in school.
i always got bully and some person want to fight with me but i always lose.
i want to learn martial arts...
I do taekwondo and it's fun and it's for upper body (punching, blocking, etc) and lower body(kicking,etc) and you learn grappling which is ground defense
No martial art is best in this case. They all can be beneficial. I at times think something like boxing and Krav Maga work well in this area for quick basic skills.
All you have to do is.

Avoid those bully and learn how to ignore them, and if you do this kind of advice, I assure you, you will never lose again.

Martial Arts is about respect and discipline, learn those kind of ability if you want to get trained because being at dojo, losing your temper will make you a big loser.

you need to try out a few classes to find which one suits you best.

until then you should know that there is no shame in not knowing how to fight so no need to prove anything to anyone.... it is the bullies that lack respect, not you - so as far as life goes it is them who has the worse problem... remember that.
a bullies life is based on fear

by taking up martial arts as a lifestyle choice, you will learn how to fight, but remember, first and foremost by doing this you are choosing not to be afraid - and that is much more important than learning how to fight if you don't want bullies bothering you.