what kind of music???


Mar 28, 2008
music is my "other half"

i listen to a lot of thrash, death metal, grindcore, powerviolence, old school hardcore, old school hip hop, classic rock and classical.

but queen is my favorite band.

what about you all?

my instructor listens to dance music. we get to listen to it in class.
i'll listen to just about anything i like i don't really care the genre. Our dojo is in a room across a hall from a dance school so if both doors are open we listen to tap dance music while we attack each other
i listen to a lot of thrash (cradle of filth) a lot of metal death metal and the occasional punk. but nothing gets me more pumped than some hard core death metal!!
Most of my CD collection consists of prog-rock/prog-metal (Dream Theater, Rush, Spock's Beard, OSI etc), straight up metal (Metallica, Shadows Fall etc) and extreme metal (Dark Tranquility, Soilwork, Opeth etc). In a complete sense though it goes all the way from The Beatles to Bloodbath.
Goth (Not marilyn manson!!!)
Melodic Death

And a lil bit of classical.

Mainly into melodic death, though, the likes of Hypocrisy, Children of Bodom, Norther, In Flames etc.
Hard/Unique/Classic Rock:

Nirvana, G & R, Sevendust, Tool

I cannot stand the modern punk genre. It's sad really, because punk used to be very well written and performed.
aside from that...

punk, barring the the drinking and dying from overdose, used to be pretty good. the s** pistols were a great band, although a bit over the top. their albums were amazing, delivering great songs, yet maintaining at least a sense of variety.

nowadays, punk just turns into drunk teens who try to act cool, and when asked why they do it, make up some excuse about just having fun. their albums are tired, mostly about complaining about conformity and selling out, when they're wearing skate shoes and jackets worth more than their education... i thought hypocrisy disappeared ages ago.
Reggae, dancehall, rap, hip hop. A little alternative. Mostly hip hop and dancehall.
I know what you mean, old-school punk was rebelling against the hippie movement and the establishment (along with everything else! ). They werent the greatest musicians (or even nominally musicians in some cases ) but what they lacked in talent they made up for in attitude. The effect they had on the comfortable middle classes at the time was phenomenal! Here in the UK housewives took to the streets to campaign against the (ooh, am I not allowed to say the 'S' word?! ) Pistols, they were rude to everyone and got arrested for blasting 'God Save the Queen' down the Thames on her 25th Jubilee!
Neo-punk just doesnt have the same stuff to rebel against, anything remotely underground gets picked up by the conglomerates and punted by MTV, so they end up, as you say, griping about teen angst with nothing else to say. But there were some pretty grim punk bands out there back in the day, and I still take guilty pleasure in Blink 182 and Sum 41, there, I admit it!
Hey that sounds cool...you could develop a whole new style, step 2, 3, 4...kick 2, 3...punch and Shuffle Off to Buffalo... call it Astaire jutsu or graceful ballroom fist (So how does your system work? Well, we knock you down and tap dance on your head)
Oooh, do you know how to do that dancehall bum shimmy thing?! It looks sooooo cool!
Bellydancer as I am, I have so far been unable to master the dancehall bum shimmy.....*shame*
Can ya teach me.......? Canyacanyacanya.....pleeeease......?
Dancehall bum shimmy? Hahahahaha. Hmmm, I think I know that you mean, but I'm a guy, even if I could do it I wouldn't. It does look hot though!!
I can teach you a bunch of other dancehall dances though, realllly simple!
Awww........ you're no fun......
I have taught guys to bellydance, you could do the dancehall bum shimmy! You shouldn't limit yourself!

Yaaaaaaay! You rock!
Generally I go for I guess it's called 'classic rock' now (The Who, Rolling Stones, Doors, Led Zepplin, etc.). Generally I like blues as well. When it comes to modern stuff, I don't like pop (and with pop, yes, some punk is the new pop) or rap. I like what I like when I hear it, but I would say I have more of a Indie rock taste for modern stuff