What looks better sport bikes or cruisers?

Of the two, cruisers look better. I also think custom choppers look as good or better than cruisers. Sport bikes do nothing for me.
Form follows function.

Everything on a sport bike is about function. A thing of beauty.

Cruisers are vulgar 900lb paperweights. No functionality, just an old water pump motor, a frame from 1930, and some chrome plated cake decorations. Still might be interesting if there were only a few around, but as 8 out of 10 bikes have this look, it's just boring and stupid.
That's a matter of personal preference, I myself prefer cruisers, and IMO, they are the most comfortable.
sport bikes by far
custom choppers look better than both sport bikes and cruisers tho
Why just a choice between the two? I vote off the card and say any adventure tour beats both. Or maybe a standard, a dual sport, a touring....
Depends on the bike. Why limit yourself to one or the other? each type does different things better and each individual bike looks different, some better than others.

As an example, I like how MV Augusta sportbikes look, I don't care for how most Suzuki sport bikes look. While I like the way old Indian cruisers look, but don't like how most HDs look.

That is why I have 8 motorcycles.
If you want to look like a Power Ranger I would go with the sport bike. Go Go Power Ranger. Also if you want to die sooner.

If you want to look like James Bond, go with a BMW.

If you want to look like a bad-ass American cowboy, go with the cruiser.