What Martial Art do you practice and like ?


Jul 28, 2008
I am in TKD (non sport style) and Japanese Weeping Style Jujitsu I have competed in TKD and MMA tournaments throughout the U.S. I also assist with demonstrations and teach . I will be getting my 4th degree black belt in both soon and want to begin practicing a new art that will compliment what I am currently taking. I am familiar with most Martial Arts minus some Kung Fu forms. The reason I am on yahoo answers asking this question is because I want to know what Arts people through the U.S. practice and like.
The only art I will not take is BJJ, its great if your in MMA but all too many times I have seen and read articles on people getting killed or maimed using it in self defense. Common sense and years of fighting tells me its a bad idea to tango with a thug on the ground.
I want to learn a new art that I can teach my students that will benefit them in self defense.
I only want good answers that reflect experience in your art. If your answer is rude, or dumb I will not acknowledge you. This is simply to get another point of view besides those close to me, and in my GYM.

Thanks for your answers !