What message is being given by DC lawmakers who say they can`t afford...


New member
Jul 21, 2008
...paying for ObamaCare? These people make a lot more money & have a lot more bennies than the average American & they`re claiming they don1t have the money to pay for ObamaCare insurance.
Their arrogance is incredible since now what`s good for the goose is not good for the gander.
Did they consider the average American when they passed this law?
It`s good that they experience the pain in the pockets of the average American, those that they didn`t consider of when they passed the monstrosity of ObamaCare.
It was a good ideal at first. Problem is DC likes to make things political instead.

It got watered down, bent, twisted, and shaped for special interest along the way. So what you got was some good while a lot of pork along the way.

I personally am for letting a person pay more towards their medicare and tapping into that for medical bills.
Who is claiming that? Like the majority of Americans, lawmakers get thier health insurance from their employer and will continue to do so under ObamaCare.
None of them have mentioned that millions of Americans are facing the same unknowns about their insurance as they are but what do they worry about? Themselves. We have no representation.