What 'moral authority' do people like Rove and Gingrich, (and others - Rush?) have...


New member
Aug 4, 2008
...to whine about a lack of ..? ....... bi-partisanship from Obama and the Democrats?
How many 'supporters/friends' do THEIR ACTIONS have across the political aisle?
Just asking.
Yea good question, when do we ever see Republicans reaching across party lines? 40% of the stimulus bill is tax cuts and they still complain! It's always their way or the highway.

Sore losers indeed.
Probably about as much moral authority as the pathetic, mewing mainstream media have after eight years of bashing Bush every time he farted.

This mess the democrats are creatng belongs to the Obama admin and their syncophantic congress. Repubs DON'T want any part of this garbage being forced down their throats and are more than willing to let the dems hang on this without any bipartisanship...
Oh, no, but see... they're RIGHT. Why do you think they call themselves RIGHT wing.

You wouldn't want to walk across the aisle to that sinister left wing and start making compromises with those vicious liberals who want to destroy the very fabric of freedom by making sure everyone's individual liberties are protected.

Haven't you heard? Freedom is only for people like them.

It just stands to reason that the right wing should complain about the left wing not reaching out to them to make all the compromises for the right reasons, while not trying to do so in return.

After all, you don't try and compromise on what 2+2 means, do you? No. You insist everyone else come to you on that answer. This is just the same. They know, know, know that 2+2 = Reagan was God.

Why would they ever want do do anything but bring everyone else to that answer?

That's also why they get to make fun of liberals for being whiners as they whine about liberal policies.

And talk about double-standards.

The liberals are going to take away our guns! Poor us! The liberals are going to take away our religion! Poor us! The liberals are going to kill our babies! Poor us! The liberals are going to destroy our businesses! Poor us! The liberals are going to steal all our money and give it to greedy welfare mothers! Poor us! The liberals are going to let illegal immigrants take over the country! Poor us! The liberals are going to let gay people destroy our families by getting married! POOR US!!!

To make a long story short, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, and Rush Limbaugh are all self-serving hypocrites. Every one of them has been pinned dead to rights breaking the law or behaving in an immoral fashion on multiple occasions, but that doesn't stop them from trumpeting on about how flippin' superior they are to those evil, whiny lefties... but, of course, that's because they're on the RIGHT side.
when do you ever hear of rush whining of bipartisanship.. they say the left is the ones crying about it, then not pulling it. Its the hyprocrisy of their words that they yell about. it was the lefts promises of bipartisanship that got them elected.

rush flat out says, when you reach across the isle they break your arms. when you try to walk, the left breaks your legs.

however, no republican congress has EVER Shut out the democrats the way pelosi, reid and rth erest of the stooges have,
Isn't your question really as follows? "How can anyone criticize the a democrat in the administration or in Congress? You just don't get what they are doing.
Who needs bipartisanship?

Let the Leftists take all the credit for destroying the country.
I do not think there is a politician in Washington to speak with the moral authority on any issue.
That is their MO. Their comments are not based on facts or logic. They are intenede to smear or inflame.
The phrase "moral authority" always disturbs me. The moment a person claims it they have become immoral themselves. Gingrich and Rove have no right other than the fact they have the right of free speech. Regardless of how idiotic they are. No moral authority involved
Here's the thing. The Republicans generally don't ask for bi-partisanship when they are in power. They do not ask the Dems to just throw their values out the window and go along with the plan in the spirit of bi-partisanship.

However when Dems are in power, that's exactly what they ask of Republicans.
I don't consider Gingrich and Rush to be the authority on moral behavior (have no idea about Rove).

But as far as bi-partisanship, how do you feel about Nancy "It's my bill" Pelosi's comments. How do you feel about her excluding Republicans from even being able to discuss alternatives?
what " moral authority" do you have in asking this question?

The answer is; anyone has the authority under freedom of speech to agree or disagree with actions and positions. It does not fall under moral authority.