What should I do with my 2004 Chrysler Crossfire rims?


New member
Dec 21, 2010
I recently ran over a median (long story) and bent all four of the stock rims on my 2004 Crossfire. They were in mint condition before the accident. Instead of repairing them I decided to buy after markets for almost the same price as having the old ones repaired. The rims are different sizes. 18" in the front and 19" in the back. The salesperson tried to tell me he could give me a $100 discount off the price of the new set if I just give him the old rims. They are without a doubt worth more than that! I just don't know if I should scrap them or try to sell them. I don't even know how much would be a good asking price. Someone please help! They are stacked in my mom's car now as I have no place to put them! Any suggestions would be great!! I hate to play the damsel in distress, but I am a female with minimal mechanical knowledge in the automotive world. I have tried to research this but have had no luck.
You can always try putting them on craigslist for $150.00... But as has already been so well stated they might be worth a fortune to someone who needs them to restore his car, but you may get stuck with them if your price is too high... as far as scrap goes, unless you have a trailer load of them then it probably isn't going to pay much more than your trip to the recyclers..

I'd take a few really good pictures and put them on Craigslist explain that they are damaged, but repairable, and ask for best offer somewhere near or above $100.00...
Your rims are gold to someone collecting them to restore something and junk to the rest of us.

As they are bent (repairable I expect) they aren't going to be easy to sell, even to someone who wants them.

The salesman has contacts with other rim dealers and parts guys, somebody in that community has a customer for them. If not them they have a salvage metal value. How much ? Call a scapep metal guy and ask them. Probably aluminum. See if a magnet sticks to them or if they are lightweight compared to steel wheels.

Put them on e-bay unrepaired and see what happens. Good luck.