What Stupid thing should I do?

I like it!

Can I mail it to your sister if I do?

I shall dance with death! :dodgy:

Not bad, but you can do better.
Put salt in your eye..
Swallow a bic lighter
shave your eyebrows
shotgun a pepsi
try and whippet air freshener
count how many popcorn kernels you can shove up your nose
rig your microwave to work while open and stick your hand/head in
eat a container of play dough
OD in vitamin C
wash your hands 50 times in a row
eat matches
Burn off your armpit hair
snort flour
drive over your own foot
eat a bag of doritos and then proceed to puke them up
thats all i got for now
-go up to a cop and tell him your the head a huge drug smuggling ring that is responsible for 70% of marijana and cocain consuption in your county, and how can he stop you?.. then walk away..

-play russian rulet
-smoke a pound of MJ
-take 5 oxi and 5 vike
-pretend your paralized for a whole day, going to the hospital
-let some1 shoot a full hopper at ur back 3 feet away.
put thousands of airsoft bbs in your pockets, walk into walmart and "accidently" fall, sending them everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

no, no dodgy
go to a buffet style restaurant and eat until you throw up, and throw up on the table or floor.

Edit- and be sure to film it
Buy about 15 E class Estes rocket engines and space them out on a children's four wheel vehicle like one of these:

Then squeeze yourself inside of it and have them all ignite on key when going downhill.
I did that, it wasn't that hard. I also tried the drink a gallon of milk in an hour thing, I drank the whole gallon inside an hour but then throw up right afterwards so it didn't count.

Or, you could go into wallmart, get a friend to knock a jar over by accident, then slip in it and fake a nerve injury, then request free stuff or court will happen.
win. we did that one time to punk some little kids and used top ramen with blue and red foodcolor to look like brains. with less rockets of course. i felt like such a champion
if you fail at making your own shens you might as well just go ahead and jump off your roof ontop of your head.