What the heck could this dream mean? Caged mouse...?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I was in my old college dorm room (I graduated 17 yrs ago), but it felt like I was at a new job. I looked up and saw a mouse running on a wheel in his cage. The cage was hanging from the ceiling. I'd never seen it before and I panicked because I'd been at the job for 3 weeks. I rushed to the cage and the mouse was still running. I gave him some water and he drank it. Of course he was very thirsty. Then the dream skipped to an outdoor scene where I was carrying the mouse in my hands. He bit me and I dropped him. And he ended up hanging off a ledge. Then that was it.

What the heck could it all mean? It's even stranger that I remembered this all from this morning.