What would be the first true test of Obama's assertion that he is the great uniter?


Mar 2, 2008
Well, here it is. The is the scenario that will definitely decide this issue. If Obama wins the nomination, the only way he can be taken seriously about his claim of being the great uniter is to first unite a deeply fractured democratic party. And the only way he can do this is to offer the vice presidency to Senator Clinton. If he refuses to do this, he will show himself to be just another politician, and to be practicing the old politics as usual which he and his supporters constantly claim that he has transcended. If he does not have the class to step up and offer the VP to Senator Clinton, he will in effect be telling 50% of democratic voters to f*ck off. Yeah, great example of being a uniter isn't it? If Obama is the nominee I will remain a democrat only if I get an opportunity to vote for an Obama-Clinton ticket, which I will. But if Obama kicks Senator Clinton to the curb, screw him, I'll kick Obama to the curb and vote for McCain. Simple as that.Happy Girl, I asked the question and provided a scenario for the answer. You can take it or leave it, and the stats are already well known. Something like 28% of democrats will switch over to McCain if Obama is the nominee. But it will likely be fewer if he does the right thing and offer the VP to Senator Clinton. I provided an example of how that would work. We would not vote for him under this scenario because he would be shown to be lying about his claim of being a uniter.
Hillary would be an albatros around his neck. She would not enhance his abilites at all since she is a liar and a fraud. She is also old DC politics, and does not fit into Obama's vision. Poorly researched rant, by the way. When you chose to add statistics to your questions and you do not back them with the source, your credibility goes flush, swirl, gurgle.
Do you seriously believe that Hillary would be able to share the spotlight with Obama? She has WAY too much ego for that! A Clinton Vice-Prez would be a disaster and Obama would have to contend with her at every turn.
Obama has done a great job in my hometown dividing the black and white races.....as I have never seen..there is something dark on the horizon, a black cloud rising!He would never offer the VP to Hillary and she would never accept it!So much for him being the Great uniter, he will go down in History as splitting the world apart!
I'm afraid I've already kicked Obama to the curb.... I no longer want Hillary to associate herself with him. I'd rather suffer another 4 years, let McCain serve his term as president, and support Hillary in full force for 2012 so she can run against McCain, and win. If she wins the nomination, that's great, and I used to dream about a Dream Team too... but I will never vote for Obama now, not after this. There is something about being bashed over and over again by delusional Obama-maniacs... the vast majority of which don't even know Hillary Clinton, other than what they have heard on the news. And if they really think they know it all....and as long as so many of Obama freaks want to bash other democrats in their own party... that's it for me. They can have Obama.... I can't wait to see them all look like idiots when the other half of the democratic party shows up in November to elect John McCain. Funny, I wonder how they thought he could ever get elected, without the other half the democrats?
Once a nominee is selected, senior Democrats ( super delegates) step up and help decide who should run as VP. This is a decision that the nominee himself/herself really has little say in. John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson did not like one another at all.Kennedy did not want him on the ticket and complained constantly, but the supers knew he had much pull in Texas and the South.So, it's not up to Obama. It's up to the DNC. MCCain has no VP now because his supers will not give him the go ahead until they find out who the Dem candidate will finally be.