Whats does it mean if a girl laughs everytime I kiss or try to kiss her?


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I have known this girl for a long time and we have messed around over the years, but everytime I start something with her she starts laughing. It always makes me feel uncomfortable but I'm wondering if any other girls do this too? Is she just weird?
lol just keep going idkk , she alittle nervous
kinda like me i do that to sometimes , its like a little nervous laugh , but not deathly nervous .
Maybe she's just nervous,,or maybe she had a bad experience and this is her way of simply brushing off the situation
Even with eye contact with a guy I'm interested in. It's usually a giggle, i don't know haha it's just a thing I do. I thought it was cute and fun too. Look at it through a different perspective. She just is those type of girls so no she is not weird.
Ya thats kinda weird

Two possibilities:
1 - She is very very nervous
2 - She really doesnt want you kissing her
She's probably one of those girls who gets so nervous that she laughs. I do it too sadly. Trust me though, she'll be feeling mighty embarrassed whenever it happens. Give it time, she'll talk herself out of it :)