What's one baby gear/gadget you can't live without?


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I know we all need the basics; diapers, wipes, pacifier, swaddling blanket, and etc.
But what one baby item that you can't live without (excluding baby basics?)
Link to that item would be greatly appreciated.

It's crazy how much crap the manufacturers/stores/other moms make you think you NEED! I would never pay $700 for a stroller. That is just crazy to me.

I'm glad I listened to my MIL not to buy the baby genie because the smells of diapers cooking in there during summer time would drive me up the wall.
My mother also told me that I don't really need a changing table. You change baby wherever you are; carpet, couch, and etc.

It has been almost 3 years since I had a baby so I would love to to know the recent baby gears/gadgets that are life saver!!!!

Thanks a million!
I could raise a baby with a day supply of cloth diapers and a 4 pack of sleepers per size. Really, EVERY baby item is just a nice to have. You can live without wipes, without special baby blankets, without special wipes... I have a bed, adult blankets, wash cloths, etc. Women managed just fine 100 years ago. There is nothing special or magical about items labeled specifically for babies. We have boobs, we have love, I just need a barrier between baby waste and my body to be happy.

If I had to pick something I like my Moby wrap... Nothing magical about it, I could make one myself. I just like baby wearing. Nothing soothes a baby like being held.
Automatic swing! Sometimes it's the only thing that will get her to go to sleep! I'm totally like you. Less is more. You should hit up Craigslist for a lot of these items.
For me, it was actually the Diaper Genie. I live in the woods, where trash is only picked up twice a month and we can't put garbage cans outside because raccoons, coyotes, etc., will get into them (and I do NOT want to clean up after a raccoon who got into a bag of dirty diapers), so it's a lifesaver. They really don't smell at all, even in the summer time.
i loved our changer. we just have a simple one we bought for $50. i used it everytime. i def would have gone nuts without one. now hes 8 months and wont lay still so i use the floor or whatever i can to make it quick. plus he loved his changer. everyone tried to talk me out of it but since it was so cheap i said why not, so happy i didnt listen to them. ever if you choose not to get one, id suggest a contoured changing pad
I would have to say the swing. Helped me from day 1 and I love it. At 7 months, he rarely uses it anymore as he is more interested in playing. I also liked the bouncer. I use it every time I jump in the shower and it fits right on the floor so he plays while I shower and I can take my sweet time without worrying about him. He moves a lot but it never tips like the other ones.
My adjustable fleece pouch sling by kangaroo korner. My husband and I could switch the baby between us with no problem.
"The Miracle Blanket" was a life saver for me when my daughter was a newborn. I can't swaddle to save my life and this thing was easy to use and kept her bundled tightly. It allowed her to sleep for longer periods of time, instead of waking every hour like she did before I started using it.
I love my swing because my daughter is perfectly happy to sit in there for half an hour whilst i get some things done.
Definitely a vibrating bouncy chair. They work like a charm.
Just to let you know, diaper genies are pretty convienent, especially if youchange the baby in the same spot all the time. You really cannot smell anything when you use them and it saves you having to change your garbage bag all the time, because diapers smell no matter where you store them.
I *love* my moby wrap. It's great for me because my daughter doesn't do well sitting in her carseat/stroller for long periods of time if I'm out shopping. So it lets me "wear" her and be hands free. It's way better than your standard baby carrier.

Also--Love my baby swing. She's soothed by it when fussy and even likes to just sit in it sometimes and this lets me get things done around the house.

I also like her brightstarts activity mat. It entertains her very well! She's only 10 weeks but she smiles at the lights over her head and bats at the toys already and "talks" to it while she lays under it. She just loves it!
My son is 4 months and I could not live without the vibrating bouncer chair. I have an awesome consignement shop right in my area so I never go and spend full price for anything. I got the vibrating chair and he LOVES it!!!! And I also love the Boppy Pillow. He sleeps in an upright position so he has slept in his pillow since the day he came home from the hospital. The Bumbo chair to is helping out alot now that he is trying to sit up. it helps him alot with balance.