What's the best form of Martial Arts for me?

Get yourself into a wrestling program. Beat your ass into shape. You can get "upgrades" going forward. Take Bruce Lee bullshit with a grain of salt.
if my mental picture of you is right. then you probably have good legs. I would suggest look at the leg ones. the old tkd not this useless sports stuff. muythai but as others have said. its good to know at least bits of them all. now short stouter people are great for the wrestling types and taller people alot of times try to use the length of the arms and legs. there is no MA that is truly superior to another. i have seen all win and loose fights. Even bruce lee said he didn't like fighting TKD cause its kicks were great. if you can get some quick online guides about several and see which one fits you best. i have seen tall guys that grapple well and short guys that fist well others that have the short but powerful legs so their kicks are good.
Depending on what you like doing? I prefer the ground game. I take my opponent to the ground and punch them from full mount. Once you breach there defense its all over. Im alright on my standing game but i usually find a way to scoop/slam and just full mount. But Ti jitsu Is a great type of martial arts. It honestly depends on you.
I'm doing Wing Chun atm and I love it.
It is all done on your feet with few kicks but many many hand techniques.
Try it out :)
What happens if the fight gets taken to the ground. Doesn't matter what you prefer. If you were fighting me, I'd take you down, get on top and you wouldn't know what to do. Not saying you should neglect stand up fighting, but don't neglect ground work either.