What's the best Toyota Corolla to get?


Jun 8, 2008
I'm a first car buyer, i just got my p's last week and i'm looking for a car, which is apparently gonna be a toyota corolla, but im not allowed to go car shopping until ive done my research and know exactly what im going for.
i need to know the best types of corolla's to go for, what features or whatever it should have, the best year models, prices, etc. so when i find a car im looking for i know whether its gonna be a sturdy good deal or im paying a heap for a bunch of metal.
if anyone knows some good websites or whatever that'd be great.
im looking around south west sydney, australia, i know parramatta rd has heaps of stuff, but im not looking there yet.
i want a blue or red colour, hatch, auto, all that stuff, preferably less than $7000, but not a pile of crap. thanks
Ok go for something pre 2000, if you pay under $7000 for a 2000 and above model its probably been in a crash, had major work or very high k's. The most basic corolla is the csi model, the one with a few more luxuries would be the Conquest and the more sporty model is the RV.

When you look at them go for the ones with the low k's and you don't want any with cheap body kits or massive wheels because they are normally the ones that have been thrashed and are the one that aren't original. SO when looking always look for the most original one like one owner, low k's, no accidents etc.

Good luck