what's the end of the story?

who rolled in the newly tarred road and was no longer a very fuzzy dog but now a very black and sticky dog!
he was so fuzzy that he got shocked when he passed by electrical sockets and one day he was shocked so bad...he died.

They cut off all his fuzz....because the family couldn't afford blankets. Then they sold the dog for $20.00....and they bought themselves some food!
while licking his fur,
he bit off his balls,
choked on his hair,
and died.
He found a little girl who love his fuzzy fur. She tied ribbons in it and jingle bells. One day the little girl was hit by a car and the fuzzy dog stayed by her and kept licking her so she would not go to sleep. Pretty soon a nice ambulance came along and took the little girl to the hospital. When the ambulance people saw how the worried the little dog was they took him along too. The little girl got better and she and the fuzzy dog lived happily ever after.
He found a little girl who love his fuzzy fur. She tied ribbons in it and jingle bells. One day the little girl was hit by a car and the fuzzy dog stayed by her and kept licking her so she would not go to sleep. Pretty soon a nice ambulance came along and took the little girl to the hospital. When the ambulance people saw how the worried the little dog was they took him along too. The little girl got better and she and the fuzzy dog lived happily ever after.

Happy end, although i dont think that's what really happened.