Whats the most terrifying dream you've ever had?

When I was about 7, I had a dream that the photos on the living room wall made scary faces. After that, I got my mom to take it down so that I wouldn't see it again and therefore wouldn't be scared every time I walked in to the living room. To this day, I keep thinking that photographs can see me and read my mind lol sounds crazy I know, I think the dream may have caused it or maybe before I had that dream I used to think that photos could see me? I hope I don't sound schizophrenic or anything because I'm not lol.
I had a dream i was being chased by a black hooded figure and when it finally caught up with me thats when i woke up
Seeing myself falling and waking up before I hit the floor. I thought I was going to die.!!

Reaction: Sweating, fatigue, nervousness, stressed, not able to go to sleep.
Ok weird ass dream. I was 10 had a horrible fever and had holucinations, but I was half asleep and half awake screaming about people in crocodile suits and they where eating my family one bye one and I was running around the house trying to hide, now even tho it dosent sound scary the but remeber the dreamer can be scared bye the most simplest things