whats up with this creepy dream?


Feb 19, 2008
The dream begins where I was in my house and I got a text message that said "get ready for terror in 3, 2, 1." and my radio turns on and a fuzzy voice says "unexpected mass Tsunami took out the south this morning.". I talked to my brother about it and he put his palms on his face. I wasn't sure whether if he was crying or if he was laughing. but that went on for a wile and I went outside and talked to my neighbors about it. They said "God must be super pissed. Its so tragic.". then a shrieking whistle dropped from the sky and bombs blew off catching me off guard. When my neighbor screamed "They are here! its an attack". my dream went red. fire and smoke filled the sky when my mother and sister rushed into the house and closed the door. My two neighbors got shot into bits in front of me by lightning bullets. I was all alone and frightened by the unknown. frozen in my front yard wile whizzing bullets streamed across my face. I ran for my door to find myself surrounded by these skinny creatures with shimmering yellow eyes. they have confronted me from the darkness with long crackling weapons. I jumped as hard as I could into the sky. I jumped, storming strait up into the grey smokey sky. As they all opened fire. I couldn't escape the grasp of the hot barrage of bullets shredding me to smithereens. Then I awoken with my arms out stretched drenched in sweat. Can not figure out what the hell i was thinking.