Whats with all of the growling and screaming in the new metal bands of today?


Apr 14, 2008
Personally I do not like the screaming and yelling. I liked it alot better back in the 80's when you actually had bands singing in very aggressive, yet clean vocalization. Everytime I watch headbanger's ball on MTV2 I will hear an awesome guitar riff, with an impressive double-kick on the drums and then the vocals start and I have to change the channel and watch survivorman or something like that. To me, the vocals ruin the song. I miss the old days when good ole Ricky was on MTV and you got to see Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, Overkill, ect. Don't get me wrong! Jamie is a hell of a guy, but I just wish the metal would go back to its roots rather than trying to hard to be so different.
It's a simple change from more instrumentally inclined music to equals between vocals and instruments. The expression of their music lies in screaming to get the meaning of the song through to those who listen. Personally, I listen to screamo/deathcore/metalcore all the time so this may be based off of bias. But it all lays in the taste of person..
Half of the bands in the 80s are still going, so who cares?
I'm sure there was screaming back then, but it was just far more underground. Nowadays it's more popular, and the clean harsh vocals of the 80s is a bit more underground.
And isn't being different what metal is all about anyway?
As well as being and doing whatever the f*ck you want?

There's still some new and great clean vocal metal bands coming out, they're all just new and not so well known. Whether that's because their music is bad or because it's not an as popular thing nowadays is up for you to decide.

As for the MTV thing.. just use youtube!

Plus growling/screaming is a bit of an excuse for those of us who can't sing good (*ahem*, me) but still want to do vocals or back up vocals in a metal band.
Ehh, you grow into the vocals. I used to hate them, too, but I started listening to Opeth, and they're so good that I was willing to ignore the vocals. Eventually, I grew to like them.
You just have to put up with them until you get used to the vocals.
Check out Opeth. Their music is really, really good, and it'll help you get into the vocals.
Of course, I wouldn't listen to music on MTV, because they so often play rap and hip-hop that they probably just play metalcore and post-hardcore... Although, I am getting into metalcore a bit, thanks to Stab.
And don't even begin to think this is new. There have been bands that sang like that quite awhile. I think death/black metal started, for the most part, in the '80s. Ever heard of Death? How about Mayhem? Mercyful Fate? Venom and Bathory?