Whats your least favorite country

Once again with the comparing it to other places. Put that fact alone and think to yourself.. is this country in sole essence a good country and why is that. Forget the fact(for the moment) of the other places in the world and just solely think about the US, its ways and polices and stop and think what you ACTUALLY think about them,
I'm glad I could come into this thread and LOL at all the Americans crying about how much they hate their country.

Mine's probably Sierra Leone or one of those blood diamond countries.
thanks. since you live in america now, which system do you think is better?

i understood it...
i believe that all people have the right to healthcare regardless of weather they have money or not, so in a way canada has a more humanitarian apporach to providing for its citizens (rich or poor)

to the contrary, in the us, if you cant afford health care and you get into a car accident and you owe the hospital thousands and thousands of dollars, this could really destroy your life and your relatives lives.

but for the upper class of canada, the high taxes take major tolls on you income and living in the us would probably be more financially sound.

it depends on weather you care more about your fellow countrymen's well being or you care more about yourself.

canada = fair for everyone, money is not as important as life
usa = very capitalist, to sustain life you must be successful
x2. Just cause of the amount of BS and arrogance i have to put up with whenever i travel south. Oh and the following country makes me want to kill every single person in it because theyre infesting my city, and acting like theye G and Hot shit. A bunch of arrogant fuckers if iv ever met some. moreso than you americans. MAY GWB DRINK THE BLOOD OF EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD IN IRAN.

darfur is not a country. its a region in sudan where the inhabitants are under genocide.

thats lke saying you hated jewish cities in germany when the nazis were killing them.
yeah, but the allies saved the jews. unfortunately, there's no allies to save this generation's "jews"... just politics. :(

but i digress, if we did help, they would just go back to killing each other once we left.
How so.. I'm just telling you to stop comparing the US to any other country and stop and look at it for what it is. Look at its politics and ways and then come to a conclusion if you acutally support the place you live or not. You seem to by the way you defend it, but I'm not too sure you REALLY do.
Good lord my country is full of a bunch of hypocrites. It makes me sad to think that some of these users live on the same piece of land as me. If the USA is your least favorite country, why do you live here? You have every right to say something negative about the USA, but please don't say it right as you're enjoying its liberties. Plenty of other people would really like to live in America so you could just free up a home for them.

What? You're bitching because Im comparing one western country to another? Do I need remind you what this thread is about?
I don't really hate any other country but seriously to all those that say fuck America, go fuck yourselves. If it weren't for America then today you would either wake up in the morning and pledge yourself to the axis forces or be shot in the face. Aside from that say you won WWII without the help of the United States (which is not likely) Communists would have over taken the world and capitalism would be done for. I mean sure we probably shouldn't have gone to Iraq and we should have just stayed in Afghanistan and Bush is a moron, but aside from that: "evil triumphs when good men do nothing" and when terrorists started releasing videos that claimed that the streets of America and other nations around the world would run red with the blood of its infidels America was one of the only nations to stand up and say "wait a fucking minute! after 9/11 i think they are serious!" so instead of letting them attack us again we moved the battle of the war on terror and with our moron of a leader it has now become Iraq and Iraq is where it will most likely stay for the rest of time. Why Iraq? Well because of the American presence in Iraq it has become a breeding ground for terrorists. And it is our men and woman that die on a daily biases not just for America but for the rest of the world, weather you live in England, or Russia, or France, or any country in Africa or South America (which we sent troops to parts of to help with the drug lord problem) and even those poor people who are caught in the middle of it all in the middle east, just to stand up against the terrorists and say in there faces "sit the fuck down! we would rather live free on our feet then go quietly and die on our knees!"
I guess I stated my views wrong. I love this country, just in a way that I want to change it and not in the blindly patriotic kind of way. Look at my signature if that helps.