Whats your view on both smoking and legalizing marijuana?


Apr 19, 2008
Let's be honest this is without a doubt a VERY hot topic, While 52% of americans say yes to legalization I want to know why the other 48% say no? Some facts to help your answer, The government spends $19.2 Billion on the war on drugs, $19.2 BILLION that could be used for school, or welfare, a million different things, when marijuana itself is indeed a near harmless plant. If it was legalized three BIG things would happen, 1. You would have to be 18 or 21 to buy it, which as a minor it is harder to get cigarettes or alcohol than it is to get marijuana...Believe me I'm 16. and it IS less harmful to your body than both. 2. Big drug cartels based on marijuana would shut down making it a lot less violent drug saving around 16,000 lives annually. 3. The government would make a significant profit off of legal marijuana. Also some medical info, While cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals, which by the way I personally will never touch cigarettes or alcohol Marijuana contains THC, thats it. Smoking cigarettes DESTROYS your lungs however, little truth time, smoking marijuana does repairable (cigarettes do permanent damage) damage to your lungs, simply making them raw but nothing serious, Marijuana is proven to slow the spread of cancer, Help with nausea in kemo patients, pain, and depression as well. depending on how you view it marijuana is a Medicine, a fun harmless recreational time, or a drug that should be illegal. Also I am 16 (as noted before) and I am involved with other narcotics... I have been smoking marijuana for five years, touched a cigarette maybe four times drank about twice, never got drunk. I can honestly say I happily smoked for 4 years until I moved and now I live with my other parent who discourages drug use, I have to hide it or do it in public which is far more stupid than staying at home. I'm going to do it regardless but the fact that I have to hide it is what turned me onto other drugs.... THE HONEST TRUTH is that if marijuana is legal a TREMENDOUS portion of ACTUAL narcotic abuse will lower, the reason marijuana is labled as a gateway drug is because people force smokers into using drugs that are easier to hide and that they can take without anyone noticing. If I could smoke in my house I would quit actual drugs instantly so as a nation why don't we do what over half of our country knows is a good idea and legalize marijuana? Please be honest I'd like to know why you dislike marijuana and if you do dislike it is it based off of what you think or what you know? Supporters of it PLEASE keep pushing to do what may be one of the smartest economical decisions ever, save lives and make peace!