When did you first join MAP?

Hey stop moaning

I wanna graphical representation of how MAPs developed over the years

So I hope youve voted

*puts teachers cloak on*

Ahem, well students as you can see one of the most successful periods of MAP was before June 2002 because of its high retention rates

Man Iam sooo sad
thats only because your older than me..........by about an ice age!!!!

hows it hanging silver dude.?
I'm grand!!! Having a couple of easy days at work at the moment so I thought I'd have a wee look in on the site and see if Captain Birdseye was causing trouble. Am about to get back to training having spent the last three months out with an ankle injury. Moving flat in the next week or so. Working my arse off normally. Reading lots of books and watching lots of movies....all fun and games really.

How about you? How's life treating you? What've you been doing? Who've you been doing? Why've you been doing them? Are we going to see you back through our neck of the woods anytime soon for some training?

By the way, I've just checked.....you are WAY older than me!!!!!



Hey this is my 250th post!!!!
Hey guys, has anyone seen my cloak?
I was gonna go out fighting bad guys but I cant find my cloak.
Sheesh I've already put my pants on over my trousers and now I cant find my cloak.
4th december 2002 ,taken a year & abit to get me own computer (just been observing, ) ,was using me brothers computer till recently so it came down to time limits in using the computer(hence the low post rates ),but as you can see a bit more active in these forums now .
Over 6-months ago looking through ninja sites. Getting pissed off at all the sites that weren't about ninjutsu saying they knew things about it. Liars! Giving people all bad advice and bias reviews. Then I saw this site and I said, "YES! A place that actually knows stuff about ninjutsu and is not as bias as the others."
I joined July 2003 as well, except you became a mod and I didn't. I think I got the better end of the stick because I don't have to deal with the trouble makers Plus, seeing as how I just hit 700 posts and Kinjirue is at lets see....carry the one....1,723 posts I think the ol' participating in MAP more helped as well

Yarg, seems I accidently hit for June 2003 instead of July 2003, so if anyone is looking at the numbers, remember to take one off on June and add it to July
but I lurked here a bit before joining and also checked out a few other forums. I like this one the best because it's a bit more open minded, tolerant and easy-going to everyone (even the people who are obviously wrong!)