when i get asked for ID why does this not work?


Mar 29, 2008
so i dont have a drivers licence or that age card thing u can do at the LCBO so what i try to do is use my birth cert that has my age and i will try to use my student card that has my photo and name on it and if u put those together it clearly tells u that im old enough.. i live in canada and im 19 so im at the age of buying alc but they wont accept what i have and i really dont feel like paying 30 bucks for that age card fro mthe LCBO just to prove im 19 when all they have to do is stop being lame and just look at these 2 cards i have that looks like enough proof to me.. like i cant even buy a rated M game and it says you have to be 17+ to buy rated M game so i gues it kinda sucks that im 19 but look 16 ....