When is it acceptable to NOT shake hands on introduction?

i was always told hand shaking is a sign of respect. so i am assuming that anytime you dont respect someone you wont shake their hand.
well at least to be civil i would make eye contact and give him a simple nod to acknowledge him.
I can think of a few times when it is not appropriate and that's one of them! LOL!!!You may be interested to know that the"hand-shaking tradition", startedto ensure that the "opponents had no weapons!!!Here are a few other reasons not to shake hands!!!Also if you have a communicable disease.And if you have carpel tunnel,or some other type of pain or disease!
And I'll be damned if I'll shake hands with someone who looks grubby! One time I had a grubby looking professor hold out his hand to me so I had to start a violent fit of coughing to avoid his touch and to avoid insulting him as I needed a good grade.
Since you're sueing him you probably already know him so in that case it's not really an issue. If he offers to shake first then I wouldn't refuse but make it quick and to the point.
I am a hand shaker, some men get a bit taken aback by it, probably because I am a tall woman. BUT I will not shake anyone's hand that looks dirty. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW
when introduced it's always polite to shake hands but it is up to you whether you find it acceptable or not and to bow out as gracefully as possible as we all should be more polite. Perhaps in this case just make it quick and not warm and friendly. If you are in court there are probably other sides to the argument and you need another person to sort it out. So good luck and please be polite as the court will sort it out hopefully so that there is no need for rudeness as well !
maybe in that case just give him an acknowledging head nod and say hello / hi to him he wont want to shake hands anyway but dont be rude its not classy