When is Mitt Romney going to do more than act like he's a newspaper gossip...


New member
Feb 9, 2009
...columnist, bashing President Obama!? Instead of detailing what he will do, all Romney does is make negative statements about the president. And when he does go in the direction of what his policies would be, it's the same old tired tax breaks for the rich and Reagan/Dubbya trickle down economics that got us into this economic mess in the first place.
That is all that jackal has Ed . The details of the Ryan budget he supports are there for the reading and he would be crushed if he started telling them . 5 trillion in ADDITIONAL tax cuts to the wealthy is not my idea of " marvelous " . 2 trillion in infrastructure spending would be far better .
One only need look to Greece and England to see what austerity measures do to the economy .
Ireland has 15 % unemployment and the lowest corporate tax rate in the world . Tax cuts DO NOT CREATE JOBS ... Jobs create revenue . If you want to create jobs then lower the retirement age and increase the income caps on Social Security to pay for it . Not exactly rocket science .
We can either end the Bush tax cuts and the tax loopholes or they will end US .
When Obama stops acting like a spoiled brat 5 year old blaming everybody else for their problems after THREE years of being in office.

-He still blames Bush for the Economic trouble, even though he's already spent more than Bush did in 8 years in just 4!
-Blames "big oil" for the rise of gas when he still won't approve the Excel Pipeline.
-And he will blame the Supreme Court on heath care and immigration issues if HIS OWN Health Care Bill is found UNCONSTITUTIONAL and if the Arizona Immigration Law is found Constitutional when he has done nothing to deal with illegal immigrants from crossing the border.
Read them and weep Eddy

-- DOUBLING the price of gasoline exactly as he said he would.
-- HIGHEST number of unemployed Americans IN HISTORY.
-- HIGHEST number of poverty level Americans IN HISTORY.
-- HIGHEST budget deficits IN HISTORY.
-- HIGHEST national debt IN HISTORY.
-- HIGHEST rate of increae of national debt IN HISTORY.
-- WORST depression in 70 years.
-- WORST housing market in 70 years.
-- WORST job market for African Americans IN HISTORY.

SunPower, after receiving $1.5 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

First Solar, after receiving $1.46 billion from DOE, is reorganizing, cutting jobs.

Solyndra, after receiving $535 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Ener1, after receiving $118.5 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Evergreen Solar, after receiving millions of dollars from the state of Massachusetts, filed for bankruptcy protection.

SpectraWatt, backed by Intel and Goldman Sachs, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Beacon Power, after receiving $43 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Abound Solar, after receiving $400 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Amonix, after receiving $5.9 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Babcock & Brown (an Australian company), after receiving $178 million from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

A123 Systems, after receiving $279 million from DOE, shipped some bad batteries and is barely operating. It cut jobs.

Solar Trust for America, after receiving a $2.1-billion loan guarantee from DOE, filed for bankruptcy protection.

Nevada Geothermal, after receiving $98.5 million from DOE, warns of potential defaults in new SEC filings.